Week 2 post - function

Last week I watched a video that described the basic parts of a computer and a little about the function of each part. Since that video was published, all of the hardware mentioned has evolved materially and improved in processing capacity. For example, the evolution of processor configuration and data pathways. However, the basic functions are still the same.

Power flows into the computer supply which is converted into a 12 volt (or less) power source for the numerous pieces of hardware. Some of the different power connectors include the 20/24 ATX for the motherboard. My computer used the 24 pin version. The CPU is attached directly to the mother board so it does not require external power. For my graphics card, two PCI-E 6 pin connectors are used for power and data is transferred through the PCI-E 2.0 x 16 connections. My HDDs and CD-ROMs use 5 pin SATA power connectors. The data travels to and from the HDDs and CD-ROMs by way of SATA data cables. The two fans in the computer are powered by a MOLEX connector (4 pin Peripheral connector). In a nutshell, those pieces of hardware are what make my computer work.


“TR2 RX 850W (US).” Thermaltake - U.S.A.,

“Specifications.” GeForce GTX 470,

“Identify the Connectors of the Power Supply.” CCM, Mar. 2018,
